Postal address :

Jens Verwiebe

Allerskehre 44

22309 Hamburg

Telefone:  +49 / 40 / 687850


Publisher:  Jens Verwiebe, Allerskehre 44, 22309 Hamburg


These pages are programmed by me and respect strictly copyright-law.

All links on these sites refer to own content. I am not responsible for foreign content.

Data Privacy Statement:

These private sites do not initially use cookies, tracking and neither collect, store or process data in terms of the DSVGO.

Data collected by the hoster ( 1und1 ) is unfortunately out of my influence.

The hoster collects and stores information in server-log-files, which is transmitted by the browser automatically.

This includes:

        - Browsertype / Browserversion
        - Used Operating System
        - Referrer URL
        - Type of accessing device
        - Date/Timestamp of the serverrequest

        - Anonymized IP address ( access location / host )

        - Requested website or file

This data is not personalized and will not be combined with other datasources.

Please inform me about suspiciuos occurrences.

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